Conversational banking will feature a rapid growth in coming years, predicts Utpal Chakraborty.

Dr. Utpal Chakraborty
Passionate Technologist

Ambassador 2024
Peer Community

Dr. Utpal Chakraborty is an eminent data scientist, AI researcher, strategist and thought leader with more than two decades of industry experience, including as a principal architect in Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Infotech, IBM, Capgemini and other MNCs including Head of Artificial Intelligence division of YES Bank. Former Chief Digital Officer at Allied Digital Services Ltd. Utpal is a well-known speaker and author of four bestselling books on artificial intelligence, Quantum Computing, IoT, as well as Agile & Lean and has delivered speeches at conferences around the world. Utpal has also been recognized as one among top AI Influencers & Thought Leaders by reputed forums. He has also been recognized as Global AI Ambassador 2022.
There are several definitions of Metaverse and imaginations in people's mind that what shape and form it will take in the future, and its practical utility beyond the dystopian outlook.
The fintech phenomena has far reaching impacts. It is not only transforming the traditional financial services but also Fintechs are already playing a major role in revolutionizing sustainable finance or sustainability at large. Fintech has a great power; it brings together the power of technology like AI & Big Data along with finance and use it...
AI & Quantum Computing Books

Artificial Intelligence, the Revolutionary Transformation that no one can escape
Key Features
- Provides perfect 'playground' for enterprises and institutions globally to develop Artificial Intelligence solutions
- The world has achieved an enormous amount of technological advancement and skyrocketing progress in mass Digitization, Data Science, and FinTech READ MORE

Be Prepared for a Revolutionary Transformation with Quantum Computing
Key Features
- Demystify concepts, working principles, and the process of Quantum Computing.
- Extensive coverage on various applications of Quantum Computing across industries and sectors.
- Learn how to harness the power of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence in your business READ MORE

क्या आप वैश्विक आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस क्रांति के कारण आपके जीवन के हर पहलू में हो रहे आमूलचूल परिवर्तनों से अभी तक अनभिज्ञ हैं ? यदि हाँ, तो यह पुस्तक आपके लिए है।
प्रमुख विशेषताऐं
- AI और FinTech के स्वर्ण युग का सारांश
- AI का उपयोग करके उत्पादों, प्रक्रियाओं और रणनीतियों को पुनः परिभाषित करने के लिए मार्गदर्शन
- विभिन्न डिजिटल चैनलों के माध्यम से ग्राहकों को बैंकिंग और वित्तीय सेवाएं प्रदान करने का विवरण
- उद्यमों और व्यवसायों द्वारा अपनी AI रणनीति पुनरावलोकन के लिए एक प्रारंभिक मार्गदर्शिका READ MORE

This book presents the overall technology spectrum in artificial intelligence (AI) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is set to revolutionize the world. It discusses their various aspects and related case studies from industry, academics, administration, law, finance, and accounting as well as educational technology. The contributors, who are experts in their respective fields and from industry and academia, focus on a gesture-recognition prototype for specially abled people; jurisprudential approach to AI and legal reasoning READ MORE

आइए जानें, आखिर कैसे बदलेंगे क्वांटम कंप्यूटर हमारा भविष्य?
यह पुस्तक क्वांटम भौतिकी और क्वांटम कंप्यूटिंग के मूलभूत सिद्धांतों और अवधारणाओं से पाठकों का परिचय कराती है। वैश्विक स्तर पर क्वांटम कंप्यूटिंग के क्षेत्र में हो रहे विभिन्न अनुसंधानों और तकनीकी विकास की विस्तृत जानकारी देने के साथ ही यह पुस्तक, मानव जीवन के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों और विभिन्न उद्योगों में क्वांटम कंप्यूटिंग के अनुप्रयोगों का सविस्तार वर्णन करती है। स्वास्थ्य, चिकित्सा, बैंकिंग, वित्त, शिक्षा, अनुसन्धान, मनोरंजन, खेल-कूद, यातायात, रक्षा, रोबोटिक्स, मेटावर्स, बिग डाटा, साइबर सुरक्षा तथा अन्य कई क्षेत्रों में क्वांटम कंप्यूटिंग, आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और मशीन लर्निंग के संमिश्रण से आने वाली क्रांति के बारे में यह पुस्तक पाठकों को अवगत कराती है। READ MORE
Articles, Blogs & Research Papers
Quantum-AI Panacea for many Unsolved -
Quantum & AI to Boost Financial Technologies -
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming BFSI Sector -
How Quantum Explains Human Consciousness -
Future of Smart Healthcare -
Golden Era of Digital Healthcare -
AI: The Core Fabric for NextGen Banking -
Socio Economic Impact of Autonomous Vehicles -
AI to Fight Pandemic -
Metaverse: The Largest Virtual Marketplace of the Future -
Foundation for the Digital Journey of a Bank -
Fintech Global Trend 2022 -
How Quantum Explains Human Consciousness -
Quantum Computing & AI - Revolutionizing Cryptography & Security -
Fintech and AI Boosting Sustainable Finance -
News Items
Experts Discuss The Role Of AI In Business On House Of Knowledge | Utpal Chakraborty -
200 most powerful CX influencers to follow in 2022 : UTPAL CHAKRABORTY-
Former Yes Bank's AI Head and Eminent Data Scientist, Utpal Chakraborty joins Allied Digital as Chief Digital Officer- ANI News -
Market launch of revolutionary FinTech product from Allied Digital that will enable rapid digital transformation for banks- The Print -
Khaleej Times - Artelligence 2021: Align your data strategy with your business goals -
MIT Centre For Future Skills Excellence Concludes The 5-Week, Short Term Course On Artificial Intelligence For Teachers | AI Expert Utpal Chakraborty -
India Next - Interview with Mr. Utpal Chakraborty on AI Adoption and Implementation in different sectors -
IIT Bombay TechFest on Industry 4.0 | Speaker Utpal Chakraborty -
IT Bombay TechFest 2017 -
India Communication Summit 2021 -
WhatsApp Business in India-the ace up Meta's sleeve -
Barnes & Noble Books | Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution -
IIT Kanpur's Techkriti 2019 brings unprecedented technical summit with theme 'Industry 4.0' -
Pioneering Minds -
MIT Centre for Future Skills Excellence Concludes the 5-Week, Short Term Course on Artificial Intelligence for Teachers -
INDCON: Union of Industry and Academia -
IIT Guwahati's techno-fest Techniche -
Let's Talk Quantum (In Banking & Finance) -
Top 100 Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence, By-Utpal Chakraborty -
That's not enough! We should leverage Artificial Intelligence for revolutionizing our Healthcare & Medicine, By - Utpal Chakraborty -
YES BANK, Microsoft partner to boost 'YES ROBOT' -
Utpal Chakraborty joins Allied Digital Services as Chief Digital Officer (CDO) -
Utpal Chakraborty, Technology Leadership Award for Artificial Intelligence -
Few Initiatives
AI for India
Under "AI for India" initiative, till now Utpal has delivered AI & Quantum Computing lectures in more than 500 Schools, Colleges, Universities, and different industrial and other forums to bring in AI Literacy and increase its adoption in India.
AI & Quantum Computing Research
Utpal is part of AI & Quantum research initiatives at different universities, tech companies and Govt. His contributions on Quantum Machine Learning (QML) have been accepted and appreciated in couple of such initiatives including at D-Wave.
FinTech Initiatives
Utpal has been recognized as one of the most influential FinTech Innovator and leader in the industry. Some of his FinTech innovations are adopted across the Financial Industry. He works closely with FinTech companies, Banks, Reserve Bank of India and NPCI for couple of initiatives.
Web3 & Metaverse Initiatives
A new initiative by Utpal wherein a consortium has been formed among Blockchain, Web3 & Metaverse companies and Developer Communities from different parts of the world. In this initiative apart from technology, idea & best practices exchange, business opportunities and project collaborations are done.
Start-up & Academia Collaboration
Utpal has been mentoring and playing advisory roles for couple of Indian Startups and few startups from Silicon Valley, Israel, and Asia in the areas of Fintech, EdTech, Quantum, Web3, Cyber Security, AI etc. He is also a Research Adviser to many academic research projects including industry-academia research projects. He has appeared in various national TV shows.
.RBI & Govt. Collaboration
Utpal writes commentaries on Govt, RBI and NITI Aayog strategic initiatives in collaboration with leading Media Houses. He took a leading role in propagating Government of India's vision of "AI for All" in India and make India a world leader in Artificial Intelligence.